- Unable to fetch resource from https://www.fsmb.de/fsmb/service/basama-hiwi/b-chair/rt/b-type/b-search/RT%20Rowold.xml with exception
- cURL error 28: Failed to connect to www.fsmb.de port 443 after 10000 ms: Timeout was reached (see https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html) for https://www.fsmb.de/fsmb/service/basama-hiwi/b-chair/rt/b-type/b-search/RT%20Rowold.xml
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Art | Title | Status / finished at |
S | Game-Theoretic Trajectory Planning in Interactive Racing Scenarios Using Numerical Optimization | 01.12.23 |
S | Iterative LQR for Game Theoretic Trajectory Planning in Interactive Racing Scenarios | 15.11.23 |
M | Design and Evaluation of Cost Functions for Local Trajectory Planning in Autonomous Multi-Vehicle Racing Scenarios | 15.06.23 |
S | Local Trajectory Planning for Autonomous Race Cars in Multi-Vehicle Scenarios Using Numerical Optimization | 15.06.23 |
S | Online Time-Optimal Trajectory Planning for Autonomous Race Cars | 01.10.22 |
M | Efficient Search in a Spatio-Temporal Graph for Trajectory Planning of an Autonomous Racing Vehicle | 21.12.21 |
M | Strategical Trajectory Planning for Autonomous Racing Vehicles with Dynamic Programming | 16.06.21 |
S | Effiziente Kollisonsüberprüfung für Trajektorienplanung bei Hohen Geschwindigkeiten | 15.05.21 |
IDP | Code Optimization of a Graph-based Trajectory Planner for High Speed Autonomous Racing | 08.05.21 |
S | Heuristics to Reduce the Temporal Search Space of a Graph-Based Local Trajectory Planner for Autonomous Racing | 19.04.21 |
B | Simulation of traffic participants for developing interaction-aware planning algorithms for autonomous vehicles | 01.10.20 |
M | Design of an interaction-aware motion planner for autonomous vehicles with game theoretical approaches and methods from optimal control | 05.05.20 |
S | Interaktive Verkehrssimulation und Schätzung von Spurwechselintentionen anhand eines mikroskopischen Spurwechselmodells | 16.04.20 |
IDP | Game Theoretical Approaches with Rapidly-Exploring Random Trees for Nonholonomic Dynamic Systems | 09.04.20 |
Curriculum Vitae
Since April 2019: PhD Assistant at the Institute of Automatic Control
2019: M. Sc. Mechanical Engineering
2016: B. Sc. Mechanical Engineering