Tao Yang, Ph.D.

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow

Textile-based Metamaterials for Broadband Noise Absorption in Low-frequency Range

Owing to rapid urbanization, millions of people are suffering noise, especially the noise in a low-frequency regime (<500 Hz). Conventional acoustic absorbers (e.g., glass fiber and polyester fiber) have been applied to control the noise by absorbing incident acoustic energy. While the sound absorption in the low-frequency regime using such absorbers is impractical because their dimensions are usually comparable to the large wavelengths of low-frequency sound waves. In recent years, acoustic metamaterials have exhibited excellent low-frequency sound absorption performance. However, these metamaterials usually produce only one narrowband absorption peak. Furthermore, the practical application of most of the acoustic metamaterials is hindered due to the high-cost manufacturing techniques (i.e., 3D printing) and low production efficiency.

My postdoctoral research project proposes a new classification of metamaterials which is composed of textiles. The textile manufacturing techniques are highly efficient. Textile fabrics can form different resonant elements (e.g., cavity structure, gradient index structure and membrane structure) employing textile technologies and manifold assemblies. Moreover, the different textile resonant elements can combine together to fabricate integrated broadband low-frequency sound absorbers. The knowledge and technologies from acoustic and textile disciplines will be integrated to achieve the aim. One of the most important aims of this project is to develop the metamaterials made by textiles to overcome the shortcomings of currently known metamaterials. This project provides a new possibility to solve the noise problem to increase life quality of the public. Another essential objective is to acquire new knowledge and skills from the host to improve the career competencies and professional experience of the applicant. This objective and sharing the skills with the host will be fulfilled through two-way transfer approaches (e.g., training, presentations, etc.).

Research Topics

  • Acoustic metamaterials
  • Fibrous materials for sound absorption
  • Numerical acoustics



  • Yang, Tao; Saati, Ferina; Groby, Jean-Philippe; Xiong, Xiaoman; Petrů, Michal; Mishra, Rajesh; Militký, Jiří; Marburg, Steffen: Characterization on Polyester Fibrous Panels and Their Homogeneity Assessment. Polymers 12 (9), 2020, 2098 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )


  • Yang, Tao; Saati, Ferina; Horoshenkov, Kirill V; Xiong, Xiaoman; Yang, Kai; Mishra, Rajesh; Marburg, Steffen; Militký, Jiří: Study on the sound absorption behavior of multi-component polyester nonwovens: experimental and numerical methods. Textile Research Journal 89 (16), 2019, 3342-3361 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )


  • Saati, Ferina; Horoshenkov, Kirill; Yang, Tao; Marburg, Steffen: Comparison of Johnson Champoux Allard and size distribution model for characterisation of rigid frame porous materials. INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings 257 (1), 2018, 464-470 more… BibTeX
  • Yang, Tao; Mishra, Rajesh; Horoshenkov, Kirill V.; Hurrell, Alistair; Saati, Ferina; Xiong, Xiaoman: A study of some airflow resistivity models for multi-component polyester fiber assembly. Applied Acoustics 139, 2018, 75 - 81 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )