Port-Hamiltonian Systems 2019

Spring School on Theory and Applications of Port-Hamiltonian Systems
31 March 2019 – 5 April 2019, Fraueninsel (Chiemsee)

The port-Hamiltonian approach allows for the structured modelling of complex, interconnected and heterogeneous multi-physical systems. It is the basis for control methods, which exploit the underlying physical structure or impose desired energetic behaviour in closed loop. The international spring school PHS 2019 targets PhD students, and advanced Master students from engineering and applied mathematics, who are interested in the state of the art and current research topics in the fields

  • control of distributed parameter systems
  • structure-preserving numerical methods for multi-physics systems
  • port-Hamiltonian formulation of irreversible thermodynamic processes.

The School is organized by Paul Kotyczka (TUM), Bernhard Maschke (University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France) and the Franco-Bavarian University Cooperation Center (BayFrance) in Munich.

Flyer   Program

Date and Venue

The school took place from Sunday, 31st of March 2019 until Friday, 5th of April 2019

The beautiful Benedictine abbey of Frauenwörth is located on the small island Fraueninsel in the Lake Chiemsee, around 90 km southeast of Munich, at the edge of the Bavarian Alps, half way to Salzburg.


The speakers are (in alphabetical order): Arjan van der Schaft (Groningen), Bernhard Maschke (Lyon), Birgit Jacob (Wuppertal), Boris Lohmann (Munich), Denis Matignon (Toulouse), Françoise Couenne (Lyon), Hans Zwart (Twente), Hector Ramírez (Besançon), Laurent Lefèvre (Valence), Paul Kotyczka (Munich), Thomas Hélie (Paris), Thomas Meurer (Kiel), Volker Mehrmann (Berlin), Yann Le Gorrec (Besançon).

Impressions from the Island

The speakers and the 44 participants had an enjoyable and scientifically interesting week!


The school is co-organized by the Franco-Bavarian University Cooperation Center in Munich, BayFrance.

Université franco-allemande - Deutsch-Französische Hochschule provides financial support ("Scientific Events for Young Researchers")

Bund der Freunde TUM provides financial support for speakers' travel and accomodation cost.

The school is supported by French-German DFG-ANR project Interconnected Infinite-Dimensional Systems for Heterogeneous Media (INFIDHEM).