NANOSHOCK - Manufacturing Shock Interactions for Innovative Nanoscale Processes

The flow of liquids or gases is fundamental to most technical applications and natural phenomena. Among the most intriguing fluid dynamics events are shock waves, discontinuities in the macroscopic fluid state that can lead to extreme temperatures, pressures and concentrations of energy, which can be perceived, e.g., as supersonic boom of an aircraft or as originating from an explosion. The violence and yet the spatial localization of shockwaves presents us with a unique potential for in situ control of fluid processes with surgical precision. Applications range from kidney-stone lithotripsy and drug delivery to advanced aircraft design. Funded by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program with an Advanced Grant for Prof. Adams, in this project we investigate the highly complex flow physics of shock wave-induced instabilities using both numerical methods and shock-tube experiments.

The objective is to answer these questions by state of the art computational methods, supported by benchmark quality experiments. Computations are based on advanced multi-resolution methods for multi-physics problems. Uncertainty quantification is employed for deriving robust flow and shock-dynamic field designs. Paradigms and efficient computational tools are delivered to the scientific and engineering community.

Group News

December, 2020: New paper in Journal of Computational Physics by N. Fleischmann, S. Adami and N.A. Adams >>


Research activities

We develop numerical methods to simulate complex flow physics including shock dynamics, multiphase effects and non-linear solid interactions. Typical applications range from aerobreakup problems to shock-bubble interactions and tissue modeling. >>


Our research code "ALPACA” is a MPI-parallelized C++ code to simulate compressible multiphase flow physics. It combines latest discretization methods (e.g. T-ENO) with classical Riemann solvers (Roe average, HLLC, ...) and strong-stability preserving Runge-Kutta time advancement within a fully adaptive multiresolution framework for distributed-memory architectures. ALPACA is free to use and available as a git-respository.


Get to know the team members of the Chair of Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics working in the NANOSHOCK project ...>>

Contribute to the project

We are always interested in joint research activities enlarging the user group of our software. If there is interest on a collaboration please don’t hesitate to contact us! Contact