Studies WiSe2024/2025

* In the winter semester 2024/25, the lecture period starts on 14th. October 2024, and will end on 07th. February 2025.

Bachelor's degree


ECTS ModuleName Type Lecturer SWS Semester
MW1910    5

Fluid mechanics 2 (FMII)

Lecture Prof. Adams    2 WS2024/25
Exercise Winter, Josef    1 WS2024/25
Group Exercise

Winter, Josef

   2 WS2024/25
LRG0070   6 Fluid Mechanics I Lecture Prof. Adams    3 WS2024/25
Exercise Paula, Thomas    1 WS2024/25
Group Exercise Paula, Thomas    2 WS2024/25
MW1913    5

Fundamentals of numerical fluid mechanics (MSE)

Lecture Prof. Kaltenbach    2 WS2024/25
Exercise Prof. Kaltenbach    1 WS2024/25


(Teil 1)


(gesamte ECTS)

Tensor calculus and basic equations (MSE) Lecture Prof. Kaltenbach    1 WS2024/25
Exercise Prof. Kaltenbach   1 WS2024/25
MW2416    5 Numerische Strömungsmechanik


Lecture PD. Dr. -Ing.Hu    2 WS2024/25
Exercise PD. Dr. -Ing.Hu    1 WS2024/25


Master's degree

ModuleNo. ECTS ModuleName         Type Lecturer SWS Semester
MW0007    5
Aerodynamics of Aircraft I Lecture Prof. Breitsamter    2 WS2024/25

Prof. Breitsamter; Bantscheff, Konstantin

   1 WS2024/25
MW0798    5 Boundary-layer theory Lecture Prof. Stemmer    2 WS2024/25
Exercise Prof. Stemmer;    1 WS2024/25
MW1692    5
Lecture Prof. Kaltenbach    2 WS2024/25

Prof. Kaltenbach

   1   WS2024/25


Supplementary Subjects (Bachelor- and Master's degree)  

ModuleNo. ECTS ModuleName Type     Lecturer                         SWS Semester
MW2435    3

Introduction to Scientific Machine Learning for Engineers


Lecture Prof. Adams    2 WS2024/25
Exercise Prof. Adams; Toshev, Artur    1 WS2024/25
Aerodynamics of Ground Vehicles
Lecture Prof. Indinger    2 WS2024/25
Exercise Prof. Indinger    1 WS2024/25
MW0174    3 Aerodynamics of Civil Structures Lecture Prof. Breitsamter    2 WS2024/25
MW0183    3 Unsteady Aerodynamics I - Airfoils Lecture Prof. Breitsamter    2 WS2024/25
LRG0110    5 Computational Aerodynamics Lecture Prof. Breitsamter    2 WS2024/25

Prof. Breitsamter

Bantscheff, Konstantin

   1 WS2024/25
Numerical Methods for Conservation Laws
Lecture PD. Dr.-Ing Adami    2 WS2024/25
Exercise PD. Dr. -Ing. Adami    1 WS2024/25
MW0696    3 Particle-Simulation Methods for Fluid Dynamics Lecture PD. Dr. -Ing.Hu    2 WS2024/25
ED140018    3 Hyperschallströmungen und kinetische Gastheorie Lecture Prof. Stemmer    2 WS2024/25

University Internship

* The lab course "Turbulent Flow Simulation on HPC-Systems" (MW2408)  has been awarded with the Ernst-Otto-Fischer-Lehrpreis 2012/2013 by the faculty of Mechanical Engineering.


ModuleNo. ECTS ModuleName Type                Lecturer             SWS Semester
MW0258    4 Aerodynamics of Aircraft Praktical Course

Prof. Breitsamter;

Bantscheff, Konstantin

   4 WS2024/25
MW2048*    4

Turbulent Flow Simulation on HPC-Systems*

Praktical Course

Bußmann, Alexander

Fritz, Fabian

   4 WS2024/25
MW0305    4

Experimental Fluid Mechanics

Practical Course

Prof. Indinger

Sleight, Matthew

   3 WS2024/25