Workshop on April 6, 2022: Research Data Management for Data from High Performance Computing (Tier 1) - Best-Practice and Applications

Zoom-Webinar at TUM (Eckert / TUM).
Zoom-Webinar at TUM (Eckert / TUM).

During this workshop we will present updates and current developments within research data management (RDM) in engineering science. Our focus will be on large and immobile data which is generated on (national) tier 1 computing centres (HLRS, JSC, LRZ). We will introduce RDM-tools and report newest developments within NFD4Ing and the concomitant research data infrastructure.


  1. Hardware systems, storage systems, data transfer tools at tier 1 HPC centers: SuperMUC-NG, Hawk, JUWELS & JURECA, backup and archiving, UFT, GridFTP, Globus Online, data containers (e.g. LRZ DSS)
  2. Basics in research data management: FAIR data principles, metadata & terminology, repositories, identifier (DOI), licenses, best-practice
  3. Research data management tools and services at tier 1 HPC centers: Metadata standards, metadata crawling, interfaces, repositories, containerization, FAIR HPC data, B2SHARE, InHPC-DE etc.
  4. Consortium NFDI4Ing, outlook and discussion

Speakers / participants

  • High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS): Dr.-Ing. Thomas Bönisch, Nadiia Huskova, Volodymyr Kushnarenko
  • Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC): Sander Apweiler
  • Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ): Dr. Stephan Hachinger, Stephan Peinkofer
  • Technical University of Munich (TUM): Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Stemmer, Benjamin Farnbacher, Nils Hoppe, Vasiliki Sdralia

Target audience

This workshop is addressed at users at the (national) tier 1 computing centres; researchers with large, immobile data; personnel within research data  management and everyone who is interested (no mandatory requirements).

Organizational information

  • Zoom-Webinar, ca. 3 hours (subject to modifications)
  • No fees / free of charge
  • Languge: Englisch
  • The attendance can be recognized in several graduate schools as professional training, a certificate of attendance will be issued.


  • Knowledge of available tools (HLRS, JSC, LRZ) for storage, publication and transfer of large data
  • Updates regarding current RDM-policies and recommendations
  • Information regarding future developments within RDM and HPC


Wednesday, April 06, 2022, 13 pm (until est. 16 pm)

Outcome / slides:

Contact and further information