
Many scientific disciplines are essential in fighting the Corona virus and reducing the number of fatalities. The Institute for Computational Mechanics & Center for Computational Biomedical Engineering, headed by Prof. Wall, together with the TUM-spinoff company Ebenbuild…

Martin R. Pfaller received the Dissertation Award of the Association of German Engineers (VDI). He graduated from TUM / LNM with a Ph.D. in 2019 and is currently a Postdoc at Stanford University. The award is given annually to scientists from the broad field of engineering. Dr. Pfaller received the…

At the yearly commencement day, the "Tag der Fakultät Maschinenwesen", Dr.-Ing. Philipp Farah was awarded the RENK Antriebstechnik Förderpreis for his thesis entitled "Mortar Methods for Computational Contact Mechanics Including Wear and General Volume Coupled Problems". This prize is awarded to…

Congratulations to Dr.-Ing. Sophie Hobrack (nee Rausch), who has recently been appointed Professor at the University of Applied Sciences in Munich in the department for Mechanical, Automotive and Aeronautical Engineering. Dr. Rausch finished her PhD with the title "Computational and Experimental…

The supervisory board of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht GmbH has appointed Prof. Wolfgang A. Wall to its technical scientific council for a first term of four years. The technical scientific council serves as the main body for maintaining contact with organizations outside HZG, including…

Kei Müller, Jonas Biehler, and Karl-Robert Wichmann together with Prof. Wolfgang A. Wall, who also acts as mentor of the team, have successfully secured a large startup grant of the highly prestigious programme "EXIST-Forschungstransfer“ of the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy. Their…

At the yearly commencement day, the "Tag der Fakultät Maschinenwesen", Dr.-Ing. Christian J. Roth was awarded the Rudolf Schmidt-Burkhardt award for his thesis entitled "Multi-dimensional Coupled Computational Modeling in Respiratory Biomechanics". The RSB-award is the highest award for a PhD thesis…

Wolfgang A. Wall, director of the Institute for Computational Mechanics, received the "Solid Mechanics Fellow" award of EUROMECH, the European Mechanics Society. This award, one of the highest awards for Mechanics in Europe, is given to only one scientist per year from the huge areas of solid and…

Dr.-Ing. Jonas Biehler received the ZD.B Prize for the best interdisciplinary Ph.D. Thesis for his excellent Ph.D. Thesis “Efficient Uncertainty Quantification for Large-Scale Biomechanical Models Using a Bayesian Multi-Fidelity Approach”. The prize is awarded to particularly outstanding doctoral…

Alexander Popp, who received his PhD from LNM / TUM in 2012 and then was Postdoc at LNM until end of 2017, who is now Full Professor of Computer-Based Simulation at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich, received the prestigious Olgierd Cecil Zienkiewicz Award for Young Scientists 2018 from the…