Design Methods for Injector Flashback Robustness
Supervisor | Subject |
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Sattelmayer | Flame transition/propagation phenomena, flame flashback, flame anchoring at fuel ports, injector safety assessment |
Editor | Cooperation/Funding |
Saskia Flebbe, M.Sc., Simon Tartsch, M.Sc. | This project is funded by Solar Turbines, whose support is gratefully acknowledged. |
In modern gas turbines lean premixed combustion is commonly used to minimize excessive formation of nitrogen oxide. Many highly reliable premixed combustion systems are available for methane based low reactivity gaseous fuels. The use of a highly reactive fuel like hydrogen increases the risk of flashback (FB) and so reduces the reliability of premix injectors. Thus only a limited amount of hydrogen can be added to the main fuel in common gas turbine combustion systems. These limits are very low in terms of mass fraction. Premixed combustion with hydrogen as main fuel is not yet technically feasible.
Flame FB and flame anchoring in the fuel injection region are the main threats for commercially available premixed combustion systems when using highly reactive fuels causing hardware overheating with subsequent failure.
FB in technical premixing systems normally exhibits three phases; (1) flame transition from the combustor into the burner with subsequent (2) flame propagation and (3) flame anchoring near the fuel injection ports, as shown in Fig. 1. Phase (1) has been studied more extensivly at the Chair of Thermodynamics, TU Munich than the subsequent phases (2) and (3) (cf. Baumgartner [1], Utschick [2]). In the past, the focus was on the FB mechanisms in phase (1). Four different mechanisms are described in the literature: FB in turbulent bulk flow (BFF), FB due to combustion-induced vortex breakdown (CIVB), FB in the wall boundary layer (BLF), and FB due to combustion instabilities (cf. Fig. 2). The investigation in the current project focuses on the mechanisms of the phases (2) and (3) of FB. Furthermore, the fuel-reactivity's influence on FB is being investigated. Full FB safety of injectors requires that none of the three mentioned phases can occur under engine operation conditions.
Experimental Investigations

In cooperation with Solar Turbines (San Diego), the three phases of FB shall be investigated for two different injectors (axial and radial). The experimental investigation is conducted on two existing test rigs; operating at atmospheric pressure as well as elevated pressure level up to 10 bar. The injectors are modified to provide optical accessibility to the fuel injection and mixing region of each injector. Optical measurement techniques and the use of high-speed cameras are planned.
Combustion experiments at atmospheric pressure with optically accessible injector models will be crucial for gaining insight into the three phases of FB. Knowledge of how FB resistance can be improved by geometric modifications of the flow path and the gas injection shall be increased. The experiments will provide flame transition and recovery limits for the range of the given operating conditions as well as the prevailing flame transition mechanism, the flame propagation paths and the flame anchoring patterns.
Parallel to the experimental work at atmospheric pressure, further experiments at elevated pressure will be conducted. The purpose of elevated pressure testing is to measure the pressure sensitivity of flame transition and flame anchoring. As down-scaled injectors will be used for the experiments in the elevated pressure test rig, data from two different injector sizes will be generated. Accordingly, this will reveal the influence of the injector size on FB and flame anchoring. This beneficial side effect allows validating models based on similar parameters beyond the usual level.
Project Goals
The experimental data (conventional and optical) will be used to derive analytical models for flame transition and injector recovery regarding the FB mechanism. Injector recovery means that the flame is blown off, not anchoring at fuel ports and again stabilizes in the combustion chamber.
[1] Baumgartner, Georg: Flame Flashback in Premixed Hydrogen-Air Combustion Systems, Ph.D. Thesis, 2014
[2] Utschick, Matthias: Sicherheitskriterien für die vorgemischte Verbrennung wasserstoffhaltige Brennstoffe in Gasturbinen, Ph.D. Thesis, 2016