
Dr.-Ing. Martin R. Pfaller was appointed tenure-track Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering at Yale University in July 2024. Martin finished his doctorate here at the Institute for Computational Mechanics (LNM) in 2019 on “Predictive Computational Modeling of Patient-Specific Cardiac…

Lea Köglmeier received the Bavarian State Prize for Good Teaching from the Bavarian Minister of Science Markus Blume on Wednesday

"As members of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities (Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften) we take a clear stance against all forms of right-wing extremism and hostility to democracy. We see it as our responsibility to stand up for an open society, for freedom and diversity." This…

The European Research Council (ERC) just announced the awarding of its prestigious starting grants for young scientists and scholars across Europe. Our member Christoph Meier made it to the list with his research proposal named "Accelerated Additive Manufacturing: Digital Discovery of a New Process…

We are honored to announce that Munich has been selected as the host city for the WCCM-ECCOMAS 2026 congress, the prestigious synthesis of the 17th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and the 10th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering! As one of the…

Everyone working in computational mechanics knows: sometimes you gotta reboot! That's what we did last Tuesday while walking along the beautiful Mangfall river during the best "Kaiserwetter". Thanks to the team and organizers for this relaxing event!

"Global University Venturing" published a list of companies that stuck out in their minds and named 12 spectacular spinouts of 2022, that they are particularly excited about. We have been happy to learn that our LNM startup Ebenbuild ( is among this list of exiting…

The German Association for Computational Mechanics ( produced a movie that should highlight all the significant facets of computational engineering. It is not only meant to showcase the work in this exciting field at the intersection of engineering, mathematics, and…

Der LNM war gefragt, bei den Feierlichkeiten anlässlich des sechzigsten Geburtstages des Leibniz-Rechenzentrums (LRZ) der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften einen Blick in die digitale Zukunft zu vermitteln. Zunächst war Prof. Wall eingeladen, an einer Podiumsdiskussion zum Thema "Am Rande des…

The 10.000 Euro Betha-Benz-Preis from the Daimler and Benz Foundation was given to Dr.-Ing. Renate Sachse on the 27th of June 2022 for her outstanding dissertation. The results of her PhD thesis „Variational Motion Design for Adaptive Structures“ help easily calculate movements of changeable…