Energy Optimization of Buildings

Lecturer (assistant)
Duration2 SWS
TermSommersemester 2023
Position within curriculaSee TUMonline


1. Energy situation in the Federal Republic of Germany 2. Inner influences - Humans - Heat Transfer PhenomenaWärmetransportphänomene - Physiological Data of Humans - Inner Thermal Loads innere Wärmelasten - Airquality - Comfort Models, Criteria for Sense of Comfort - Comfort Characteristics - Excourse: Thermal Comfort in Vehicles 3. Cooling Technique - History of Cooling Technique - Einführung Introdin die Kälte-und Klimatechnik - Klimatisierung - Kälteerzeugung 4. General influences on the energy balance of buildings - Optimization Aims and Characteristic Quantities - Heat Transfer through Walls - Insulants - Thermal Protection Glasses / Systems of Sun Protections - Latent Heat Storage 5. Outer influences - Ambient Temperature - Ambient Humidity - Solar Irradiance - Wind 6. Double-skin Facades – An Introduction into thermal and energetic Behaviour - Introduction - Definition of Double-skin Facades - Klassifizierung von Doppelfassaden - Double-skin Facades in Renovation of old Buildings - Advantages and Problem - Research


Basics of Heat- and Mass Transfer are recommended


schriftliche Prüfung
