Fluid-Structure Interaction: Time Integration


Matthias Mayr

Numerical analysis of fluid-structure interaction (FSI) phenomena plays an important role in many fields of applications like civil, mechanical, aerospace or biomechanical engineering. All these disciplines deal with highly dynamic problems, where a stable and accurate time integration is crucial in order to  run useful simulations. The computational efficiency of the applied algorithms is of high interest, especially when it comes to real applications.

Altough time integration schemes for purely structural or fluid problems are well  understood and established in literature, the combination of two time integration schemes for both physical fields does not lead to optimal behavior for a coupled problem at all, when looking at multi-field problems like fluid-structure interaction. There might be a loss of stability, accuracy and efficiency, which finally can lead to simulation results with non-physical behavior.

The goal of our research is to develop time integration strategies for FSI problems with good stability, accuracy and efficiency properties. Implicit schemes seem to be appropriate for this type of problem. In order to gain more efficiency and reduce the computational costs, adaptive time integration schemes are very promising, especially when large scale non-linear problems are in the focus of interest.