Thermo-Fluid Dynamics Group

With the global climate change, energy technology has (again) become a topic of controversial public debate. The developement of sustainable solutions that are ecologically as well as economically viable is the order of the day. Thermo-fluid dynamics, i.e. the science of energy conversion and transport processes, plays a crucial role in these efforts.
Aside from its technological and economical relevance, thermo-fluid dynamics is an area of research with fascinating and challenging topics. For example, progress in computer simulation has made possible the analysis of fluid-dynamic phenomena with an unprecedented level of detail and depth.
Research of the group focuses on thermoacoustic combustion instabilities. These impair the security and reliability of gas turbines and rocket motors as well as domestic or industrial burners. In order to analyse and control these instabilities, fluid mechanics, acoustics and combustion science are combined in an interdisciplinary approach with methods of system identification and control theory. Intensive exchange with colleagues from research institutes in- and outside Europe furthers our efforts.
Thermo-fluid dynamics is a challenging discipline. The acquisition of knowledge and skills in this field requires effort and engagement. In our courses we try to encourage self-learning also outside the lecture hall. Doing problems, quizzes and programming exercises, fostering discussions between students, team work on term projects or giving a presentation are important ingredients of our approach to teaching.