Dr.-Ing. Kei Müller

Alumnus of the International Graduate School of Science and Engineering (IGSSE)
- Email: mueller(at)lnm.mw.tum.de
Research interests
- Biomechanics
- Additive Manufacturing
- Fluid-structure interaction, flow-induced vibrations
- Modeling and simulation of biopolymer networks
- Viscoelastic properties of crosslinked actin networks
- Investigation of structural polymorphism in biopolymer networks
- Beam contact
- Biomechanik (SoSe 2012, SoSe 2013)
- Engineering Solutions for Biomedical Problems (SoSe 2014)
Articles in Peer-Reviewed International Journals
- Slephukin V, Grill M, Müller KW, Levine AJ, Wall WA (2018): Conformation of a semiflexible filament in a quenched random potential, Phys. Rev. E 99, 042501
- Rosetti L, Kuntz LA, Kunold E, Schock J, Müller KW, Grabmayr H, Stolberg-Stolberg J, Pfeiffer F, Sieber SA, Burgkart R, Bausch AR (2017): The microstructure and micromechanics of the tendon-bone insertion, Nature Materials 16(6): 664-670
- Kachan, D, Müller KW, Wall WA, Levine AJ (2016): Discontinuous bundling transition in semiflexible polymer networks induced by Casimir interactions, Phys Rev E 94, 032505
- Müller KW, Bruinsma RF, Lieleg O, Bausch, AR, Wall WA, Levine AJ (2014): Rheology of Semiflexible Bundle Networks with Transient Linkers, Phys Rev Lett 112: 238102
- Müller KW, Meier C, Wall WA (2015): The resolution of sub-element length scales in Brownian dynamics simulations of biopolymer networks with geometrically exact beam finite elements, J Comp Phys 303: 185-202
- Müller KW, Cyron CJ, Wall WA (2015): Computational analysis of morphologies and phase transitions in crosslinked, semiflexible polymer networks, Proc R Soc A 471: 2182
- Müller KW, Birzle AM, Wall WA (2016): A beam-element-based numerical model of a molecular motor, Proc R Soc A 472: 2185
- Maier M, Müller KW, Heussinger C, Köhler S, Wall WA, Bausch AR, Lieleg O (2015): A single charge in the actin binding domain of fascin can independently tune the linear and non-linear response of an actin bundle network, EPJE 38: 5 (Also, see the Cover Art!)
- Cyron CJ, Müller KW, Schmoller KM, Bausch AR, Wall WA, Bruinsma RF (2013): Equilibrium Phase Diagram of Semi-flexible Polymers with Linkers, EPL, 102: 38003, supplementary phase diagrams at different actin concentrations:
- Cyron CJ, Müller KW, Bausch AR, Wall WA (2012): Micromechanical simulations of biopolymer networks with finite elements, J Comp Phys 244: 236–251
Peer-reviewed Proceedings articles
- Müller KW, Cyron CJ, Maier C, Bausch AR, Wall WA (2012): A Computational Approach for the Stochastic Analysis of Biopolymer Networks, European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences Young Investigators Conference, Aveiro, Portugal, April 24 - April 27, 2012
- Wall WA, Cyron CJ, Klöppel T, Meier C, Müller KW (2011): Coupled Problems on the cellular and sub-cellular scale, IV International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, Kos Island, Greece, June 20 - June 22, 2011
Conferences (Presentations w. abstract & Posters)
- Soft Matter Physics Approaches to Biology, May 2011, Santa Barbara, USA: Poster
- 4th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, September 2011, Dresden, Germany: Poster
- 1st ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference (YIC), April 2012, Aveiro, Portugal
- 8th European Solid Mechanics Conference (ESMC), July 2012, Graz, Austria
- 3rd International Conference on Particle-Based Methods, September 2013, Stuttgart, Germany
- Best Poster Award at the 4th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics
- Best Picture Award at the 1st ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference, click here
- PhD prize "Dissertation 2015" of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, TUM
- Best Poster Award (2016) at the Annual Poster Symposium, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Supervised student projects / theses
- Jonas Nitzler: A novel constitutive model for Ti-6Al-4V selective laser melting based on a microstructural material representation, Master's Thesis
- Maximilian Grill: Development of a finite element formulation for potential-based interactions of slender continua and its application to biopolymer physics, Master's Thesis (finished)
- Christoph Kocher: Modeling crosslinker properties of Heavy-Mero-Myosin for the application in rheological simulations, HiWi (finished)
- Evelyn Flesch: The effect of actin chirality on the self-assembly of actin networks, term paper (finished)
- Anna Birzle: Modeling the power stroke of Heavy-Mero-Myosin in active actin networks, term paper (finished)
- Julian Riba: A new crosslinker model: development of a 4-node Reissner beam element with interpolated nodal positions, Term Paper finished
- Anja Bestler: Development and Evaluation of Contact Formulations for Slender Structures, Bachelor thesis, finished
- Christian Roth: Top down construction of linear octrees for contact detection in biopolymer networks, term paper (finished)
- Philipp Johne: Refinement of octree-based search algorithms for efficient contact and proximity detection in biopolymer networks, student project (finished)
- Weiwei Wang: Post-Processing and Visualization using Blender, student project (finished)
- Rebecca Kächele: Approximation of the filament overlap in the computer simulation of large Actin networks without contact, student project (finished)
- Max von Danwitz: Visualization of smooth Beam geometries and Beam Contact using Splines, student project (finished)
- 2018- Project Lead, Project "Ebenbuild" (EXIST-Forschungstransfer)
- 2016-2017 Research Staff Member at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, USA
- 2015 Sr. R&D engineer at AdjuCor GmbH
- 2010-2014 Research Associate at the Institute for Computational Mechanics (Lehrstuhl für Numerische Mechanik), TUM, Germany
- November 2009 Diplom-Ingenieur (diploma), Mechanical Engineering, TUM, Germany