
ASME/IGTI TurboExpo 2023 in Boston

This year the Chair of Thermodynamics is present one last time with a large group of PhD students.

From left to right: Jan Kaufmann, Fabian Marquez Macias, Jan-Andre Rosenkranz, Gerrit Heilmann (with his Best Paper Award 2022), Manuel Vogel, Simon Tartsch, Axel Zimmermann (Thermofluiddynamics Professorship), Martin March and Saskia Flebbe.
After the traditional final dinner.

The number of Ph.D. students of the Chair of Thermodynamics in Boston is even twice as large as last year in Rotterdam. A total of 8 publications were presented, 6 of which will be published in the Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power. This is a remarkable success rate, three times higher than the average.