Dr.-Ing. Alessandro Cattabiani

Curriculum Vitae (extended version)
Articles in Peer-Reviewed International Journals
- Cattabiani, Alessandro, Andrea Barbarulo, Hervé Riou, and Pierre Ladevèze. "Variational theory of complex rays applied to shell structures: in-plane inertia, quasi-symmetric ray distribution, and orthotropic materials." Computational Mechanics 56, no. 6 (2015): 983-997. DOI
- Cattabiani, Alessandro, Hervé Riou, Andrea Barbarulo, and Pierre Ladevèze. "Extension of the VTCR to orthotropic shallow shell structures." Advances in Aircraft and Spacecraft Science, (2015) (accepted for publication)
- Cattabiani, Alessandro, Hervé Riou, Andrea Barbarulo, Pierre Ladevèze, Guillaume Bézier, and Bernard Troclet. "The Variational Theory of Complex Rays applied to the shallow shell theory." Computers & Structures 158 (2015): 98-107. DOI