
Post-doctoral position in Computational Uncertainty Quantification

A post-doctoral position is available immediately in the group.

The research efforts of the group center around the computational modeling of stochastic aspects with particular emphasis in solids/materials. Topics investigated include uncertainty propagation in physical and engineered systems, design and optimization in the presence of uncertainty, Bayesian inverse problems, advanced Monte Carlo methods for the atomistic simulation of materials, model-order reduction and multiscale modeling.



Candidates should be proficient in scientific computing and uncertainty modeling and should have a Ph.D. by the time of appointment in any Engineering discipline or Applied Mathematics/Statistics. Experience in Bayesian modeling and Reduced-Order Modeling is also desirable.

Interested candidates should apply by emailing Prof. P.S. Koutsourelakis ( and include (in pdf format):


  • a CV with the names of up to three references
  • a statement of research experience, interests and goals
  • up to 3 indicative publications/preprints.


Further details about the position are available upon request. Evaluation of applicants will start immediately and continue until the position is filled.


The position is financed by the Bavarian government. Remuneration will be calculated according to the collective labor agreement for federal state employees. TUM is an equal opportunities' employer.